
Tuesday, March 28, 2017

I Just Want You - Release Blitz

Title: I Just Want You
Author: Kaylee Ryan
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: March 28, 2017


“Go to college,” they said. “Get a good job,” they said. “It will be a piece of cake.” Well, whoever they are, they lied. Sure, college was a blast, but after college, not so much. The finding a job to go with my expensive education, that part was not so easy. At least not until I was offered a position at the new club in town.

Life is defined by the little moments that have the power to change it completely. I never thought getting a cup of coffee would change mine, but it did. She did. She’s one of those moments.

He’s my boss.

She’s my employee. 

I want him.

I can’t resist her.


Mr. Super Sexy Beard and The Barista

     Berklee is still working as a barista at the local coffee shop after graduating from college. She is an attractive and intelligent young women. Berklee finds herself looking forward to days when an attractive man comes into the shop. She doesn't get the name of the man.

     Crew is a man who comes into a large inheritance. He decides to build and open a club. Crew will run Club Titan with this friend Zane. He enjoys going to the coffee shop to see the sexy barista. How surprised is Crew when Berklee comes in to interview for the Club Administrator?!

     Berklee and Crew have great chemistry and are instantly attracted to each other. The problem for Crew is that Berklee is his employee. They try to find the attraction & desire, because of the business. Can Crew and Berklee find love and a happy ever after? 

     I Just Want You is the first book by Kaylee Ryan, but it will not be my last. This story has realistic and believable characters and storyline. I volunteered to read this arc book. This is my honest and unbiased review. I recommend this story to others who are looking for a sweet & sexy romance.

Overall Story - 4 1/2 Stars
Chemistry - 4 Stars
POV - Alternating each chapter
Cliffhanger - No

Purchase Links

Special release price of $2.99


Author Bio

Ryan has had a passion for reading since she was a little girl. That passion
has slowly led to spinning romantic tales, and a one-click addiction. When she
doesn’t have her nose stuck in her kindle or fingers glued to the keyboard, you
can find Kaylee hanging out with friends and family. She loves all genres of
music, and enjoys scrapbooking. She lives in Ohio with her husband (her real life
happily ever after) and their rambunctious little boy.

Author Links

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