
Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Daddy In Charge by Autumn Collins - Release Blitz

Title: Daddy In Charge 
Author: Autumn Collins 
Genre: Romance 

I don’t want a lot in life, really. Except for two things.

The most pressing is the extortionate amount of money I need to find to save my grandmother’s bookstore from closure. 

Less pressing is something for me. I want – no, need – a man who will love me for what I am: lacking in experience and with the deepest desire to be dominated.

Told you I didn’t want for much.

So when the opportunity to earn more than enough to save Nana’s business and fulfil my deepest desire comes along, how can I possibly say no? 

All I have to do now is give myself over to one night with the highest bidder,

Autumn is a city girl who loves bad boys, badder fantasies and fresh cream donuts. 
She hopes you enjoy her dirty stories as much as she enjoys writing them.

#99c #Free to read on #KU #NewRelease #bemybookboyfriend #AutumnCollins

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