
Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Author Lili Mahoney - Foster An Author 3

For Love Or Freedom
Author: Lili Mahoney
Genre: Women's Fiction, Romance


Tatum hasn’t had it easy. Her life has been a series of battles, but that hasn’t stopped her from finding and hanging onto what she wants and loves. She’s come a long way from the small farm in Texas she was born on – she’s earned her own way through college on diving scholarships, then moved to begin her career as an elite swim team coach, and is doing her best to survive her life as a widow and single mom.
When Nic Lobo literally steals her away from the life she’s fought to keep together, the most basic of responses is to hate him with every fiber of her being. His quick temper and random absences make that easy. So is the fact that she’s still in love with her dead husband, though she’s also very angry at him for the way in which he left her. But Nic is stubborn and committed, and he has the uncanny ability to invoke feelings in her she’s never had before, not even with the father of her child. He forces Tatum to respond to him the only way he knows how and that terrifies her in so many ways.
Will she fight him to the death, refusing to forgive him for the harm he’s caused, or will he wear her down until she acknowledges the connection their souls won’t allow to be severed. 


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Other Work by Lili:

Barefoot Pastures
Genre: YA


All she wants is to keep her title. To stay at the top of her game. The world is harsh and Tory has already learned many of the harder lessons. Her life’s story has always been about control and the cowboy code, but will this year teach her the toughest lesson? Her own stubborn will may help her escape death, but will she come through unscathed? Can she remain true to who she is? In order to survive the pain, the cowardly men, the lies, and the passion that will threaten to tear her apart, Tory will have to hold tightly to what has always been important – friendship, loyalty, and always Rusty.

  Author Bio:

Lili was born in a small Texas town where football, oil, and rodeo were the very heart of life. She met her life-long best friend at the age of sixteen and is still married to him seventeen years later. Together they have three children and a whole gaggle of animals. Lili’s life-long goals never included becoming a writer, but something miraculous happened and suddenly there were stories filling her head that simply had to be put on paper. At times, it can be all-consuming and probably very irritating to her family, but they put up with it because they love her. Lili’s greatest loves in life, other than her family and friends, include eating lots of ice cream, collecting dolphins, photographing every flower she sees along with all of her kids' events, and just being outside in the glorious Texas countryside.

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