
Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Held In Custody by Ashe Barker ⛓ New Release

Held in Custody
By Ashe Barker
Stormy Night, 2017
Released 14 October 2017
Genre: Time travel, Historical erotic romance, Viking romance

·      In his custody – for her own protection … and his
·      His job is to protect. He intends to do his job, whether she likes it or not
·      In an unfamiliar, hostile world, who can she trust?


When he encounters an injured young woman while on a motorcycle ride on the small Scottish island of North Uist, police officer Finn Olsen immediately comes to her aid, but to his surprise her dialect proves all but incomprehensible to him. To make matters worse, she first tries to run and then does her best to stab him with a dagger after he catches her.

Recognizing that the woman is confused and distraught, Finn disarms her, handcuffs her, and brings her back to the local police station, which doubles as his home. Once she is in his custody, however, it quickly becomes clear that his beautiful, feisty prisoner comes from a very different era, and that she has somehow travelled forward in time more than a thousand years.

Finn takes it upon himself to keep the headstrong girl safe in a completely unfamiliar world, even going so far as to bare her bottom for a sound spanking with his belt when she attempts an escape. Despite her situation, she is deeply aroused by his bold dominance, and when he claims her properly she is left utterly spent and satisfied. But as they unravel the mystery of her arrival in the twenty-first century, will their discoveries bring an end to their newfound romance?

Publisher’s Note: Held in Custody includes spankings and sexual scenes. If such material offends you, please don’t buy this book.

Author Synopsis:

The best laid plans…

He had no intention of touching her. His job is to protect the community of North Uist in the Outer Hebrides so Police Sergeant Finn Olsen is not about to let some strange woman run around his island brandishing a knife almost as big as she is. The mysterious female soon finds herself Held In Custody, locked up for her own protection. And his.
She is a prisoner in his care, but the more he learns about his unusual captive, the more Finn begins to suspect all is not what it seems. Eira speaks a language long dead, has no idea about modern plumbing, and seems to think he’s a god!
Punished for attempting to escape and putting herself in danger, Eira soon learns that the stern man who has her in his power intends to keep her safe but he expects obedience. Confused, lost, alone, she has no choice but to trust him as her world is thrown into turmoil. But when faced with a menacing threat from the past can Finn protect her? And can they forge a new future together?

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Excerpt 1 (PG)

The figure appeared in front of him, out of nowhere. Finn veered to the left to avoid mowing her down. He managed to lay the bike on its side in the ditch, causing considerable damage to the stubby foliage which bordered the road but mercifully none to himself and he hoped not the bike either. The Kawasaki was his pride and joy, he'd only had the machine for three months.
He scrambled to his feet and scanned back along the road.
Where the fuck is she? I managed to avoid her, surely...
Finn started to walk back the way he had come, glancing from right to left, searching for any sign of an injured pedestrian.
What the hell is she doing out here, in the middle of fucking nowhere, on her own anyway? How did she get here? Where has she come from?
All good questions. He would be sure to ask them, when he found her.
It was the movement to his right that alerted him. That and the brief glimmer of moonlight as the glowering clouds parted for a few moments. It was enough. He spotted her, silhouetted against the icy skyline as she attempted to flee across the moors. Finn set off after her at a sprint.
The race was an unequal one, despite his recent close encounter with the asphalt. He caught up with the diminutive figure in less than half a minute. She might have done better if she wasn't hampered by an ankle-length skirt and some sort of flowing cloak that persisted in wrapping itself around her legs.
"Hey, wait. I just want to know that you're all right," he called out from a few yards behind her.
She ignored him and scrambled on. Was she limping? Christ, surely he hadn't hit her...
"Stop. I'm the police, not a fucking axe murderer." Not that he had his warrant card with him, since he was off duty, but still it seemed worth a try.
The woman was clearly less than impressed. She glanced back just once, let out a horrified scream and found a fresh burst of speed.
"What the fuck...?" Finn lengthened his own stride and managed to grab a fistful of the billowing cloak. The sodden garment came off in his hand.
He tossed it to the ground and charged after her again, this time managing to get a hand on her shoulder. The woman whirled to face him, brandishing a seriously business-like dagger.
"Holy fuck!" Finn released her and raised both hands. He retreated to a safe distance of three or four feet and circled her slowly, his eyes holding hers. Green, he fancied, though it was impossible to be sure in this light. But she was plainly terrified. He kept his voice low and calm.
"Put that down, miss. There's no need for this. I don't mean you any harm, I just want to know that you're not hurt."
She screamed, her features contorted in horror as she stared at his face. It was only then that Finn realised he still wore his full-face helmet. He guessed that could be enough to scare her, though she must have heard the bike. What did she expect? He removed his thick leather gauntlet-style gloves, then unbuckled his chinstrap and dragged the helmet off. He offered her what he hoped would pass for a reassuring smile.

Excerpt 2 (18+)

He patted his lap and waited for Eira to resign herself to the inevitable. It did not take long. Eira edged forward from the head of the bed and eventually threw herself face down across his knee.
Finn lifted the towel to reveal the curved perfection of her bottom. He had, of course, had occasion to admire her body in the shower, though between the T-shirt and his own annoyance that opportunity had been limited. He took his time to savour her now.
Eira flinched when he laid his palm on the soft, tender skin of her buttock. He squeezed, then reached for the belt which he had laid beside him on the bed. Finn took the precaution of hooking his leg over both of hers to ensure she remained in place, and with his spare hand he held her wrists in the small of her back. He usually derived considerable pleasure from taking his belt to a willing woman and he was only marginally less enthusiastic about administering a decent disciplinary spanking. Now that he had Eira laid across his lap, waiting, he was ready to admit that this was where he had wanted to see her right from the moment he had set eyes on the woman on the road. Even so, he thought it best to get this done with quickly. It was late, they both needed to get some sleep.
Eira yelped when the first stroke landed. She wriggled and squirmed on Finn's lap but he held her fast. After a few moments she settled and he delivered the second stroke. This time she whimpered but did not struggle. The third and fourth strokes were met with first screams, then sobbing. By the fifth she lay limp, weeping, her bottom sporting five vivid crimson stripes.
Finn laid the belt aside and traced each red wheal with his fingertips. He was gentle, but she hissed with pain even so.
"I am sorry, " she gulped. "I will obey."
"I know," murmured Finn. "I know you will. And now, you know what will happen if you don't."
"I am sorry, also, for the knife."
"That's done with, I told you. It doesn't matter."
"I am sorry, even so."
Finn eased her to her feet, then held her elbows until he was sure she was steady. "All is forgiven. You have been punished and we will not talk of it again, the knife or you disobeying me." He pulled her to him in a hug then smiled up at her. "You must be tired. It is very late. I made a bed for you."
"I know, in the prison."
"No, not there. In another room. You can use it until you have somewhere else to stay." He stood up and held out his hand. Eira took it, and he led her from the room.
"This is for me?" She gazed at the small but perfectly serviceable spare bedroom.
"Yes. You can sleep here. I'll bring your clothes when they're dry but until then you'll have to borrow more of mine."
"May I stay with you?"
"May I sleep in your bed? With you?"

More about Ashe Barker

USA Today best-selling author Ashe Barker has been an avid reader of fiction for many years, erotic and other genres. She still loves reading, the hotter the better. But now she has a good excuse for her guilty pleasure – research.
Ashe tends to draw on her own experience to lend colour, detail and realism to her plots and characters. An incident here, a chance remark there, a bizarre event or quirky character, any of these can spark a story idea.
Ashe lives in the North of England, on the edge of the Brontë moors and enjoys the occasional flirtation with pole dancing and drinking Earl Grey tea. When not writing – which is not very often these days - her time is divided between her role as taxi driver for her teenage daughter, and caring for a menagerie of dogs, tortoises.  And a very grumpy cockatiel. 
At the last count Ashe had over forty titles on general release with publishers on both sides of the Atlantic, and several more in the pipeline. She writes M/f, M/M, and occasionally rings the changes with a little M/M/f. Ashe’s books invariably feature BDSM. She writes explicit stories, always hot, but offering far more than just sizzling sex. Ashe likes to read about complex characters, and to lose herself in compelling plots, so that’s what she writes too.
Ashe has a pile of story ideas still to work through, and keeps thinking of new ones at the most unlikely moments, so you can expect to see a lot more from her.

Ashe loves to hear from readers. Here are her social media links:

Or you can email her direct on

#eroticromance #ashebarker #discipline #dominance #spanking #Vikingromance #Vikings #historicalromance #time travel #AsheBarker #HeldInCustody #NewRelease 

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