
Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Second Chances Tour ~ Remember Me by Ever Coming


Remember Me

By Ever Coming

Remember me.
Ten letters.
Four syllables.
Two words.

Two of the most powerful words of Cate’s life. She read them the first time she had her heart broken, heard them when she lost her husband, and now they stared back at her as her daughter moved away for the first time. Yes, each time these two little words crossed her path, her life changed course. That was why when Cate spoke them to herself, about herself, she knew great things were about to happen. She was going to remember who she was and go back to being that strong, intelligent, determined, and fun—yes, fun—woman she once was.

Levi loved Cate from the moment they met. They had been inseparable, and if he'd had his way, they would have remained that way. Being taken from her before they ever had a chance to explore their feelings was the one regret in his life, one he planned to rectify the moment her daughter's name crossed his desk. He had no idea they were so close... yet still so far. If fate wanted to grant him another chance, though, who was he to argue?

Remember Me is an 18,000 word contemporary BBW second-chance romance.


Remember me.

Ten letters. Four syllables. Two words. Goodness, one of them was an overused pronoun. As innocuous as they appeared, Cate knew better. Those two words had shaken Cate to the core on not one, but three occasions. Each occasion had brought tears and a new chapter of her life.
Staring at the framed poem in front of her, Cate scoffed at the two words. There was no way her daughter Jamie had known the importance of the ten tiny letters when she wrote them. Cate had shielded Jamie from the details of that fated night. Yet, they were the exact words Jamie had used as a form of comfort as she moved out for the first time.

Remember me as

The au fait woman you raised

I’m ready to fly

“A haiku, of course it had to be a haiku, and with French, my silly, wonderful, magnificent daughter.” Cate’s voice cracked as the tears started to flow. Jamie had handed her the gift just as she and her roommate, Heather, drove away to their first real apartment after scoring internships their first summer of college. It was only a half hour away, and she would be seeing them within the week, but those facts didn’t help her heart hurt less.

Cate read and reread the poem over and over again, long after she had already buried the words in her heart. Of all the things she had done in life, raising Jamie had been the one thing she was proudest of.

Jamie was a great student, attending the local university tuition-free thanks to her SAT scores. The internship she scored was not only in her chosen field, but also in a prominent company in her field. Cate didn’t pretend to understand the technology behind what Jamie was going to school for, but Jamie soared in it. All signs indicated it would lead to amazing employment opportunities.

She had been lucky that Jamie had chosen to live at home her first year of college to remain debt-free. Cate might not have been ready for her to leave just yet, but she’d had an entire year more with her than many mothers had with their children. She had learned a long time ago not to take a single moment with her loved ones for granted.

At twenty, Cate had been living the good life. She excelled in college, had a dashing and loving boyfriend, and was on track to get a coveted art residency for the summer. Life couldn’t have been more perfect. A stranger who’d had one drink too many changed everything.

One moment she and her boyfriend were driving home from their one-year anniversary dinner; the next thing she knew, headlights were much too close and the sound of crumpling metal filled her ears. Most of the crash was gone from her memory, something Cate counted as one of the biggest blessings of her life. She remembered hanging upside down, looking over and seeing James staring at her, his eyes glossy and wrong.

Author Info:

Ever Coming is the pen name of an international bestselling author who simply wanted some heat with her sweet romances. When she is not reading and writing romances, Ever is usually found enjoying time with her kids and husband.

Also by Ever Coming

Fallen: A BBW Vampire Blood Courtesans Romance

Needed: A BBW Vampire Blood Courtesans Romance

Getting Bear: A BBW Shifter Romance

Riding Her Unicorn: A BBW Shifter Romance

Breathless for her Bear: A BBW Shifter Romance

Dreaming of her Wolf: A BBW Shifter Romance

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