
Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Lost Ones by Nicole French ~ Blitz & Giveaway

Title: Lost Ones
Series: Bad Idea Series #2
Author: Nicole French
Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance
Release Date: March 14, 2018


Six months ago, I gave my heart to a girl. 

Beautiful, kind, and sexy as sin, she's the only person who
saw past my record or the color of my skin. Who ever saw me for me. 

She loved me enough to let me go, let me leave this city to
find my own path. 

But without her, I drift, lost without direction. 
Without me, she spirals, desperate for connection. 

I gave my heart to a girl, and she gave hers to me. 

But love shouldn't hurt this much.


Lost Ones can be read as a stand alone. The beautiful love story of Layla and Nico continues from Bad Idea. This story takes the reader on an emotional journey with Layla and Nico. The reader will go through all the positive and negative times in these characters' lives. Lost Ones is one of those books that stays with the reader long after it is put down. Nicole French has you captivated and invested in the story and the lives of Layla and Nico from the first page. I adore the chemistry, love and bond that Layla and Nico have for each other. Lost Ones is about love - true love / unconditional love. I recommend this incredible story to others. 

Overall Story - 4 Stars
Chemistry - 4  Stars
Recommend to Others - Yes
I volunteer for this arc. This is my unbiased opinion. I purchased the story to support the author.


Purchase Links

99c for a limited time


Free in Kindle Unlimited

Also Available

FREE for a very limited time!


Free in Kindle Unlimited

Author Bio

Nicole French is an East Coast/West Coast hybrid creature,
Springsteen fanatic, hopeless romantic, and complete and total bookworm. When
not writing or teaching about writing, she is hanging out with her family,
playing soccer with the rest of the thirty-plus crowd in Seattle, or going on
dates with her husband. In her spare time, she likes to go running with her dog,
Greta, or practice the piano, but never seems to do either one of these things
as much as she should.

Author Links

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