
Saturday, March 3, 2018

Relentless by Elizabeth Knox ☠ Cover Reveal ☠

Cover Reveal 
Skulls Renegade Book 4
Elizabeth Knox

☠ Synopsis:

My life was supposed to be so simple; getting the rest of my inheritance at 25. I would invest it in my music
career and become history, literally.
What I didn’t expect was to find out that everything I believed to be true about my family was a complete lie. I didn’t expect to find out that I had a half-sister by my real father; a man that was the devil reincarnate. I didn’t expect to find that I had family who had run a criminal MC club in Texas. And I sure as heck didn’t expect to be thrown full force into the MC life from the time I walked into Bubba's and revealed who I was.

I was no longer a daughter, friend, and singer. I was Bellamy Mason, sister-in-law of the Skulls Renegade MC Prez, and I had a target on my back.
But there was something else that hit me like a ton of bricks too, and his name was Abe “Butch” Warren. And let me tell you, he was a pleasant surprise.

She walked through that fuckin’ bar just like her sister did. Her red hair flowing down her back, that ass that I wanna take a bite out of. Those were the thoughts I had about her before I got to know Bellamy.
I don’t know what it was, but the fuckin’ second my eyes locked on hers she was mine. She was pure, she was innocent – she wasn’t cut for this lifestyle, and I knew that.
Here’s the thing, I’m not cut out for relationships and Bellamy Mason is not a girl you just fuck. She’s the real deal, the girl you take home to your momma, the one you lock down as soon as you can.
I was bringing danger to her doorstep, and she had no idea. I knew the risks, and I ignored them. Selfishly, I wanted her.
What will destroy us first; my enemies, or my need to not define us?

☠ Teasers:

☠ Goodreads:

☠ Author Info:

Elizabeth is a romantic suspense author most popular for her Mob and MC books. She always brings you a twist in her work. When Elizabeth isn't in the writing cave you can find her checking out the latest movie to hit the theater or out with her four dogs. She is an avid animal lover and huge supporter of the rescue community.

☠ Author Links:

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