
Monday, March 12, 2018

Sin With Me by JA Huss & Johnathan McClain ~ Release & Giveaway

Title: Sin with Me
Series: Original Sin #1
Authors: JA Huss & Johnathan McClain
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: March 6, 2018


with Me is the first book in a four-book contemporary romance series by New
York Times bestselling author, JA Huss, and veteran actor and writer, Johnathan
McClain. Each full-length novel will release three weeks apart starting on
March 6, 2018.


Two broken people in a city fueled by sin.

Maddie isn’t looking to be saved. She knows
the only person you can count on is yourself. Her moral compass might not point
true North these days—but at least she’s still standing.

The military taught Tyler about loyalty. Being
there for your brothers is the only thing that matters—but when it mattered
most, he wasn’t.

She’s got a ticket straight to Hell. He’s
already been there and back.
She needs to win. He just needs to stop

Some sins scar your soul so deeply, you'll
never be the same.
But this Devil in disguise might just be the
angel he needs to forgive himself.

Purchase Links






“Oh, shit!”
I cry out.
He is not
just entering me, or fucking me, or anything as common as that. He is
penetrating me. In every sense of the word. I have never in my life—not
once—cried during sex, but I can feel the tears starting to well up behind my
eyes. And I have no earthly idea why.
He must be
able to tell because he asks, “Am I hurting you?”
I shake my
head, willing the tears not to fall. He withdraws from inside me.
“Where are
you going?” I ask.
He stands
up—he is an impressive sight. He looks like Michelangelo’s David. But if
David had fought his way through some kind of battle and emerged from it
painted by the fury of the fight.
here,” he says as he reaches for my hand and draws me up to stand with him.
Naked and exposed, we both look at each other in the warm light of this nearly
empty apartment, with the frivolous concerns of the rest of the world carrying
on beyond his massive windows, unaware that we are here. And I feel vulnerable.
I think he
feels it too because now he takes me by the hand and leads me over to the
kitchen area, which is a little darker, a little more hidden. When we land
there, he picks me up around the waist and plops me onto his kitchen island.
“Ah! It’s cold,” I let out.
“It’ll warm
up in a second,” he says and winks. He opens a drawer and I glance down to note
that inside there are only restaurant menus, some extra chopsticks still in
their paper wrappers, and an assortment of condoms.
ordering in?” I ask. He ignores me and rips open the wrapper on one of the
“I want to
be inside you when I come. Not that coming on your ass wasn’t one of life’s
great joys, but, y’know, been there, done that.” He winks again. Fuck, he’s
hot. Scraggly beard and all. Although I’m suddenly trying to imagine what it’d
be like if he shaved. What the face that’s hiding under that mess of hair might
look like.
instead, I follow up my previous question with, “And you keep them in the
kitchen because…?”
“I keep ’em
everywhere,” he says, unrolling the latex and sliding it on his still-hard
cock. “Never know when the delivery boy might be up for a little
I rub my
foot up the inside of his thigh. “Mmm. It gets a girl so hot when guys talk
about fucking delivery boys.” He smiles. I get the sense that he gets off on it
when I talk shit to him. Which is fine by me, because I love talking shit. So…
“Now fuck
me like I’m the pizza guy,” I say.

Coming Soon

Releasing March 27, 2018




Releasing April 17, 2018




Releasing May 8, 2018




About the Authors

Two accomplished writers come together to create
unforgettable sexy romance. JA Huss is the New York Times bestselling
author of 321 and has been on the USA Today bestsellers list
eighteen times. Johnathan McClain is a veteran actor and writer whose work,
either performed or written, is probably airing on at least one of the channels
on your television right now. Find us at







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