Friday, April 6, 2018

Blitz & Giveaway * Ride With Me by Ashley Hastings

Ride With Me

by Ashley Hastings
Publication Date: April 5, 2018
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Read for FREE in KindleUnlimited: Amazon

A bad boy cop and a straight-laced student are about to go on the ride of their lives…

He’s the law, but she’s the one making the rules.

Graduate student Lucy wants order and predictability in her life. She always has a list to consult and a plan to execute.

Police officer Grayson wants to chase skirts and live free. He isn’t interested in being tied to one woman.

Until he meets her.

Lucy agrees to do ride alongs with Grayson as part of her thesis project, and all Grayson wants to do is handcuff her to his bed for a life sentence. Lucy isn’t so sure that Grayson fits her life plan.

Can Lucy resist Grayson’s arresting personality, or will Grayson be able to plead his case and make her his?

About Ashley Hastings

Ashley Hastings lives with a menagerie of animals, and one day aspires to be a crazy, old cat lady. She has a starter set of three cats right now. Ashley likes to take long walks each day while she dreams about what her characters will do in the future, and is already hard at work on her next novel.

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