
Saturday, August 25, 2018

Bratva Boys Boxset by T.L. Smith ~ Release Blitz

Title: Bratva Boys Boxset
Author: T.L. Smith
Release Date: August 25, 2018

All four books in one box set.

Their name has meaning, holds royalty. They aren’t to be trifled with. And if you get too close, prepare to be destroyed—they are the Russian mafia.

Gashes and bruises mean nothing to them, blood is what they live by. It’s all they know. So be prepared to enter the ultimate sin, because these boys will take you on a ride, one you may not want to look back on.

Prepare yourself to enter all things that are the Smirnov Bratva boys. But hold onto your panties and lock your doors because your world is about to be shattered.


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