
Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Geeks Against Zombies by Alathia Paris Morgan

Geeks Against Zombies
by Alathia Paris Morgan

US | UK | CA | AU

Genre: Apocalyptic / Dystopian

Sean just wanted to play video games and graduate. When his video game world came to life with zombies, he and his friends put all of their reflexes to good use by trying to stay alive.

Andi Jackson has always had a crush on Sean, but he's never seen her as more than his little sister's friend. Vowing that not even a gunshot wound can keep her from chasing down love, can she find a way past the zombies and into his arms?

Join the remaining survivors as they continue their fight Against Zombies in this exciting new installment.

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About the Author

Alathia Paris Morgan is a full-time writer. With the death of her brother in 2013, she decided life was too short to waste the ideas she was given. Since she'd always had stories floating around in her head, she took a shot at writing them down during a NANOWRIMO Camp. She realized quickly that her characters had more than one mystery to solve, which resulted in her Nova Ladies series with a crossover series Murders of the Zodiacs. Now, zombies have joined her world in the Against Zombies series.

With the support and love of her husband, Alathia continues to bring new worlds to life. Their three daughters and three dogs are more than enough to keep her busy when she is not putting words on the page or lost in her imagination. 

In her free time, she loves to read and enjoys quilting while watching TV shows.


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